The Baby Lounge Summer Camp 2024

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SKU: N/A Category:


Victoria Island, Magodo, MTN (Y'ello Kids' Care & Play Centre)


Week 1: Little Chefs™ (A super fun culinary program for juniors), Week 2: Little Entrepreneurs ™ (An exposure to the art of buying and selling for young minds), Week 3: Little Einsteins (The children would perform several fascinating science experiments and mini-projects), Week 4: Little Gardeners™ (A nature and outdoor exploration for young minds), Week 5: Culture Fest (It would be a week of culture immersion. The children would be celebrating the Nigerian cultures via our different tribal expressions and experiences.), Pay outrightly for the 5 weeks

Payment Plan

Daily Plan, Weekly Plan, Outright Payment (5weeks)

Lunch/Dessert NGN6,500/DAY Note: Payment for lunch can be done via a button on this site and on site physically.

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